Picture Instruments Preset Converter Pro 1.1.2 Full Version Free Download


Welcome to the Picture Instruments Preset Converter Pro 1.1.2 – a powerful software designed to streamline your photo editing workflow by providing seamless conversion of presets across various photography applications. Whether you’re transitioning between software platforms or collaborating with other photographers, this tool ensures that your creative presets remain consistent and vibrant. Preset Converter Pro eliminates the hassle of manual adjustments, saving you time and preserving the integrity of your artistic vision.

With an intuitive interface and robust functionality, this version 1.1.2 release builds upon the success of its predecessors, offering enhanced compatibility, improved performance, and an array of features to empower photographers at every skill level. Experience the convenience of a unified preset ecosystem, unlocking new possibilities for creativity and collaboration with Preset Converter Pro 1.1.2.

Key Features

1. Preset Compatibility

Easily convert presets between popular photography software, including Adobe Lightroom, Capture One, and more, ensuring your creative vision remains consistent across platforms.

2. Batch Processing

Save time by converting multiple presets simultaneously, with efficient batch processing capabilities that streamline your workflow and enhance productivity.

3. Preset Preview

Visualize the impact of your presets before conversion with the built-in preview feature, allowing you to make informed decisions and refine your creative choices.

4. Customization Options

Tailor conversion settings to match your preferences, including adjustments for tone curves, color profiles, and other parameters, providing a personalized touch to your converted presets.

5. User-Friendly Interface

Navigate the software with ease through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned photographers alike.

6. File Format Support

Enjoy extensive compatibility with various file formats, ensuring a seamless conversion process for a wide range of presets, including those in DNG, XMP, and more.

7. High-Fidelity Conversion

Preserve the quality and fidelity of your presets during the conversion process, ensuring that the essence of your creative work remains intact across different editing environments.

8. Regular Updates

Benefit from continuous improvements and stay up-to-date with the latest enhancements through regular software updates, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility with evolving photography tools.

System Requirements

Operating System:

Windows 10 or macOS 10.14 and later.


Multi-core processor with 64-bit support.


8 GB or more.


2 GB of available hard-disk space for installation.

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